financial independence for women

🖊 Batoul Khalifeh  🕓 2022-10-03  🗀 Motherhood,   12 minutes

We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves. We have to step up as women and take the lead.” – Beyoncé Knowles

We often hear many sayings and proverbs about being a strong and vigorous woman, however many of us might ignore the real way that leads us to be robust individuals in our communities.

Well, ladies in my article today allow me to explain the importance of you absolutely having your Financial Independence!

Let me make it clear, independence does not mean being alone. It has nothing to do with shedding our bonds with others or detaching ourselves from the world. Instead, it simply means being autonomous and self-dependent as you stop waiting for others in order to get what you want in your life.

While Independence is a sense of esteem that genuinely comes from within, and cannot be drawn from anything other than the self, financial independence is the true meaning of women’s independence!

What is Financial Independence for Women?

You might be confused about this term, as there are various definitions of what this means. Basically, financial independence for women is when women are simply able to support themselves financially and accomplish their money goals.

Still, at its core, it’s about being able to do what you want in life! In other words, it’s the ability to go wherever you want, live wherever you like, and get anything you might need!

Now many might wonder why should women be financially independent. Frankly, if I am going to list all the answers that are going on in my mind at the moment, I might be ending my blog in 2023! There are a million answers and justifications for this question, yet I will share with you a few.

Indeed, women need to learn the importance of financial independence. Once they
do, they will never have to feel dependent and helpless in life, as they become more capable of making better life decisions and understanding what is most beneficial for them.

In our society, many married women may seem happily settled, but, in fact, don’t have any financial freedom. They trust their partner way too much and don’t find it necessary to build a savings basket to cater to their own needs. As a result, if they ever become unhappy in their marriage, nothing much can be done as they have nowhere to go with the children and have no means to support themselves! In such cases, being financially independent will be your basic support to end the life you do not want and to freely begin a new future.

In addition, Life is uncertain and unpredictable! Harsh circumstances can arise out of the blue without any warning. In times like this, maintaining financial strength and security is tedious. In this inflated economy, having two or more individuals earning, is considered a boon for the family. That’s why Being financially independent helps you take care of your own needs while you can also contribute to helping your family members with their expenses.

Owning a decent house, sending your kids to a reputed school, and meeting other luxuries and necessities of life is tough with only one family member working. So, what are you waiting for to start having fun by filling your day with some interesting content?!

Keep in mind how amazing It feels to be unshakably confident on your own feet!

Being financially independent is something every woman should aim for. It not only makes you more self-reliant but also happens to be good for your well-being. You shouldn’t be too distracted while roaming around, as you should also enjoy the unlimited freedom that you deserve to have.

If you can start by taking public transport, driving for errands, or getting coffee by yourself, it is your start for an empowering and interesting journey. Trust me, your financial independence boosts your self-confidence and empowers your personality.

Whether you’re single, married, or divorced, knowing how to make money is vital. Hard work is awesome as the benefits last longer. Stop the drama and be brave enough to obsessively start pursuing your financial freedom.

Remember, not all of us are experts here. Therefore, taking round advice from time to time isn’t a bad thing after all. We are here to help!