breastfeeding impact on the moms

🖊 Batoul Khalifeh  🕓 2022-08-22  🗀 Motherhood,   10 minutes

I keep hearing them describing that first moment when they laid eyes on their babies. This magical moment when the doctors laid their kids on their chests made them immediately feel this strong connection they never felt before. That moment when they gazed into their baby’s eyes and saw their whole new world.

Breastfeeding to me is so much more than just feeding your baby. It’s “your special one-on-one time” where no one else can intervene. Yes, sometimes the feed is a rushed duty in the back of the car in the middle of a shopping trip. Or sometimes it’s hanging over the car seat during one of our many times on the road. But no matter what the setting may look like breastfeeding is always a reminder for you to take a minute and just be with your baby.

What happens when you breastfeed your baby?

Breastfeeding moms often find themselves unable to attend a party or a celebration, as some have to strictly monitor their diet and the drinks they use, while other moms nag about how much their baby is too dependent on breastfeeding to take alternative food supplies. Keep in mind ladies that this is a temporary phase that will quickly pass and keep focusing on all the enormous benefits of mother’s milk!
As we have already talked enough about the uncountable benefits of breastfeeding on the child, it’s time to explore, in detail, the unlimited advantages of breastfeeding on the nursing mom and her physique!

Breastfeeding offers numerous advantages for both the mother and the child. Not only does it aid in the natural shrinking of the uterus post-pregnancy, but it also contributes to weight loss as the body burns calories to produce breast milk. Take a look at the following key benefits associated with breastfeeding:

  • Postpartum Weight Loss: Breastfeeding helps mothers shed pregnancy weight as it requires the body to expend energy, resulting in the burning of calories. This can assist in returning to pre-pregnancy weight more effectively.
  • Reduced Risk of Heart Problems and Stroke: Statistics indicate that women who breastfeed their children have a lower risk of developing heart problems, stroke, and related fatalities compared to those who do not breastfeed.
  • Hormonal Benefits: Breastfeeding triggers the release of oxytocin, often referred to as the “happy hormone.” Oxytocin aids in uterine contractions, which assists in the uterus returning to its pre-pregnancy size. It also helps reduce postpartum bleeding.
  • Nutritional Benefits for the Child: Breast milk provides essential nutrients and antibodies that help protect infants against infections and diseases, promoting healthy growth and development.
  • Bonding and Emotional Connection: Breastfeeding fosters a unique bond between the mother and the child, enhancing emotional connection and providing comfort and security.

By understanding the benefits of breastfeeding, mothers can make an informed choice that aligns with their health and lifestyle preferences. It is important to note that each individual’s breastfeeding journey may differ, and support from healthcare professionals and lactation consultants can be instrumental in ensuring a positive experience for both mother and child.

Research about the effects of breastfeeding on maternal health has concentrated primarily on the fact that Breastfeeding may naturally provide some protection against breast cancer. And Adequate maternal nutrition, allows for a prolonged period of weaning, along with adequate child spacing, alleviating any potential bone loss or maternal depletion caused by breastfeeding.

What a list of health benefits indeed! To top it off, the physical contact, skin-to-skin touch, eye contact, and closeness, help you bond with your baby which creates a safe and secure haven for him. Don’t you think that Knowing all these facts really motivates you to pursue breastfeeding?!
breastfeeding impact on the mom's
Breastfeeding is an intimate learning experience between the mother and the child. Pregnancy of course does this in a way too, but breastfeeding provides certain new confidence about your body, in a completely non-sexualized fashion. As It is a very peaceful part of life, Nothing calms your baby more effectively than breastfeeding.
Not Forget, there is a well-known link between body image and the decision to breastfeed, where many women believe that breastfeeding has a negative effect on the appearance of the breasts. Women consulting a plastic surgeon for postpartum body contouring will often attribute the loss of breast shape or volume, to lactation and breastfeeding. Well, I am happy to announce that all of this is total BS! The medical community has offered guidance on the subject, where Pediatricians and lactation experts have always asserted that breastfeeding has no effect on breasts! So Future and current new moms, we encourage you to consider breastfeeding your baby as long as you can.
God’s beautiful design of a woman’s body and how capable it is to nurture children is really a miracle. Feel confident and safe enough to Give your baby the best nutrition, health, and development that you can provide, as Breastfeeding is the most “natural” option, and therefore assumed to be the best option!