choose your right partner

🖊 Batoul Khalifeh  🕓 2022-10-23  🗀 Relationships,   10 minutes

If we had to pick the biggest illusion we deceive ourselves with, it would be the idea that money brings happiness.

Money, with all its good effects and potential, cannot buy you happiness on its own. It may buy you a house, yet it won’t create a warm home. It might buy you a bed but it’ll never offer you the simple natural free pleasures of life like being cuddled up in front of a good movie on a Friday night, the pleasure of being surprised by a spontaneous weekend road trip, or the happy tears over a birthday present from your best friend.

The next time you’re in the checkout line at the grocery store, take a moment to consider what it is that money can buy. Is it happiness? Love? Health? A good relationship and marriage? A good life itself?

It’s easy to think that the more money we have, the happier we are going to be. But remember: money does not play a major role when you’re in constant pain and struggle because of the wrong decisions and choices you have made in your lifestyle, relationships, partners, and other aspects of your life that contribute and play a major role significantly in your happiness and well-being.

Remember this — getting a great life partner is never just about social and financial status. Of course, money can be an advantage to you, to have a quality life, yet if your sole motivation is to choose a husband because of his money then maybe you should stop and rethink if you’re really in love with him or his money in the first place.

What we need to consider is beyond the current moment and the temporary feelings we have, as all those will be fading out with time. That’s why we need to really think of the future of our marriage and family. And for that, we need to be honest with ourselves about what we sincerely want in life to exactly know how we should choose our partners.

Marrying a man for his money only would be eventually extremely tragic because the moment he loses it, dies, or leaves, you’ll be left out alone begging for someone to help you survive. Keep in mind that Marriage is beyond wealth and worldly possessions.

How to Choose Your Right Partner?

Should we go and find someone poor to just break the saying that women are gold diggers? Or should we feel guilty and accept being with someone who is completely different from our educational, cultural, and social standards?

Well, choosing your partner will never be about you compromising on what you deserve in life! Because choosing your right partner is exclusively about giving yourself what you actually deserve in life! That’s why, the next time you want to be with someone for a long time, instead of checking your feelings and convincing yourself that this guy is making you laugh and feel safe, take a moment and assess the real situation. Does this guy share with you the future vision you want in life? Do you have the same values and interests to carry on a good nurturing life without having to go into a dilemma each time you break each other’s rules? Will this person respect you enough to be proud of you and support you in reaching all the ambitions you might have drawn for yourself?!!

Women should know what they want

You’ve got to know what you’re actually looking for in a husband. Women make the mistake of marrying because they’re maybe lonely, poor or need someone to take care of them financially. Stop and ask yourself logically if this person is the right fit for you 10 years from now. Would you still be ok to deal with the bad habits you noticed in him when you were drowning yourself with the so-called love/addiction feelings you were creating for him? Keep in mind that No amount of money is going to save you from all the potential heartache you’ll be dealing with if you make the wrong decision.

Money is an important factor to think of yet it isn’t everything nor should it be! That’s why, creating your own wealth, will easily help you become satisfied and proud of yourself financially, to the point that you start seeing the reality of the partners you are choosing in your life.