role of women in society

🖊 Batoul Khalifeh  🕓 2022-06-27  🗀 Motherhood,   20 minutes

The world talks about progression and creating an environment where all people are treated equally. Yet why does it stop when it comes to women? Why does it happen that women are expected to balance between their careers and homes or even forget about their careers and just focus on their homes? While there are men who have come forward to support women in all their endeavors, we still find a majority considering the word “feminism” as a phenomenon branded with so much hatred and contempt.

Enough! It’s time we shatter this toxic knowledge and make people understand that feminism’s goal is to reduce gender gaps and achieve political, economical, personal, and social gender equality, as women are strong, smart, technically and physically competent, and emotionally valiant, just like their male counterparts. Yet, despite achieving such huge laurels, women still face many obstacles in their workplace.

Role of women in society

We can’t deny the fact that the role of women in society has radically changed in the past few decades. From running a jet plane and teaching kids to serve as admin heads or company executives, women are seen playing each role with aplomb. They are not only cherishing their fulfilling careers but also some of them are outrunning men. Despite these incredible advances, women still have to face a lot of work issues and professional challenges in the workplace.

Women status in workplace

Undoubtedly, women’s status has improved and progressed in the last few years. Yet, some challenges facing women today remain as daunting as they were years ago. While society has made progress with gender equality, there are still some challenges women face in the work of getting a seat at the table. Women’s ability to lead is often undermined by gender stereotypes, which leaders need to be more mindful of!
role of women in society
Statistics show that a woman with an MBA who changes jobs two or more times will be paid $53,472 less than a woman who stayed at her first job and climbed the ranks. The study also shows that men with MBAs who changed jobs, earned $13,743 more than those who stayed with their first employer. Do women, who change jobs, still have to prove themselves to their new employers??!! Really??

And referring to many researches, women still earn less than men on average.
Thus, can you imagine the situation of women of color and the hurdles they difficultly go through, in their career path??!!

Despite numerous studies indicating the persistence of a gender wage gap, it is crucial to recognize the additional obstacles that women of color encounter on their professional journeys. These hurdles can significantly impede their career progression. Consider the following difficulties that women face:

  • Stereotyping and Bias: Prevalent stereotypes and biases can lead to limited perceptions of the capabilities and leadership potential of women, particularly women of color, affecting their career prospects.
  • Limited Representation: Underrepresentation of women in leadership positions and decision-making roles can perpetuate systemic barriers, limiting their access to networks, mentorship, and sponsorship.
  • Lack of Support Systems: The absence of robust support systems, such as mentorship programs and diverse professional networks, can hamper the growth and development of women .
  • Pay Disparity: Women often experience larger wage gaps compared to their male counterparts, exacerbating economic disparities and financial security concerns.

Recognizing and understanding these challenges is crucial for advocating for gender and racial equity in the workplace. By addressing these systemic barriers and fostering an inclusive environment, we can strive towards a more equitable and supportive career landscape for all women, regardless of their race or ethnicity.

On another note, boasting about gender diversity in the workplace and discussing successful businesswomen stories, does not cover the harsh truth of sexual harassment, which still is the biggest issue women keep facing in workplaces. One of the most shameful and heart-wrenching challenges that women face in the working environment is the kinds of sexual abuse she is exposed to. Mostly women are manipulated and sexually abused as their progress is linked to how much they are able to open up and respond to the abuser’s expectations.
The Women in the Workplace report, found that 35% of women in full-time corporate sector jobs have experienced sexual harassment. Another study by EEOC estimates that 75% of women subject to such hostile situations will not report their harassment. And especially when the abuser is someone in a senior position. People often ask, “why did the victim not report?” The primary reason for this is normally the fear of being fired. The same research by EEOC found that “75% of harassment victims experienced retaliation when they reported it.”
To curtail this challenge, there are social welfare organizations
women at work - women's status at work
that are discussing women’s empowerment on multiple forums and have raised voices against harassment of women in the workplace. This technique has forced the law and order, to include several severe punishments against these ruthless acts.
Not to forget, the great challenge women face while experiencing their “Motherhood”. Growing from a single woman to a mother brings about a lot of changes in any lady, as she learns to nurture a small being inside her. Elders say that as a woman becomes a mother, care and patience become her inseparable virtues. But does anyone perceive all the changes and challenges she confronts at the workplace before and after the baby is born?
Handling mood swings and morning sicknesses without showing the slightest discomfort, daily traveling to and from work with her baby belly, avoiding fun office parties and late-night meetings as her health may take a toll, listening to her boss’s taunts as she constantly applies checkup leaves, maternity leaves, etc. are simply too hard for a pregnant woman.

Most – yet not all – of the firms have maternity leave policies, where the women are allowed to take the full leave duration granted by the local legislation. But once the lady resumes work, post her maternity break, she may be in for a surprise, as her role would no longer be the same. She may have to restart from the beginning all over again. Employers cannot discriminate, or take adverse actions against a woman on the basis of her pregnancy. However, a woman’s absence from work to take care of her children is likely to affect her upward mobility in the workplace.
To bridge this gap and ease the challenge, corporate firms are becoming more and more loose in the conditions put on women who resume their career, post-maternity breaks. Flexible schedules and teleworking strategies are, nowadays, becoming more prevalent perks offered by employers, as an important way to attract talented workers. In fact, this kind of workplace flexibility, naturally helps both women and men, to actively be available for their families without compromising on their career ambitions. As the presence of the father in his family’s life, just like the mother’s, are a MUST!
In conclusion, the briefly discussed challenges mentioned in this blog, are only a little of the severe challenges women are facing every day in their daily lives and workplaces. And, as we move on, we will surely be shedding light on many others. Keep checking our website, and do not hesitate to be a part of our great family where all women are respected and treated as they deserve!