Batoul Khalifeh
2022-07-17 🗀 Motherhood, 15 minutes
If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman. Margaret Thatcher
Despite centuries of oppression and deprivation, women are running fast and catching up. They are showing that they can shine in a man’s world. The thing is they do not need a man’s world! We need a world, where women do things their way and grab the stage. We are doing that. We are creating the world!
Despite centuries of oppression and deprivation, women are running fast and catching up. They are showing that they can shine in a man’s world. The thing is they do not need a man’s world! We need a world, where women do things their way and grab the stage. We are doing that. We are creating the world!
It should not be shocking to hear that rights regarding gender have significantly improved over the past 50 years. Yet, we find ourselves, still, amidst an ongoing battle for women’s rights and equality. It’s helpful to remember that the most dangerous enemy of women is not men. The most dangerous enemy of women is women themselves. It’s the way we treat each other, the thoughts we have about ourselves, and the permission we give ourselves to opt out of doing what is difficult and new.
The biggest reason we, women, lack confidence is related to the fact that we keep blaming culture, society, and communities instead of easily realizing the truth that we have what it takes to be just confident in ourselves and everything we have achieved already.
The biggest reason we, women, lack confidence is related to the fact that we keep blaming culture, society, and communities instead of easily realizing the truth that we have what it takes to be just confident in ourselves and everything we have achieved already.
Have you noticed that many women underestimate their abilities and fail to shine a light on their performance?
Perhaps, at times, you thought you needed to know more, learn more, or have more experience to be taken seriously, seek promotion or allow your true value to be seen.
Perhaps, at times, you thought you needed to know more, learn more, or have more experience to be taken seriously, seek promotion or allow your true value to be seen.
If so. You are absolutely not the only one!
Women are producers, consumers, and innovators. They are resourceful economic agents, proving every day that they can succeed, often in the face of persistent gender barriers.
Women are producers, consumers, and innovators. They are resourceful economic agents, proving every day that they can succeed, often in the face of persistent gender barriers.
Why aren’t we making more progress towards women’s rights and equality?
Many women find it very difficult to talk forthrightly and forcefully about their abilities, accomplishments, and potential—to promote themselves in obvious and effective ways. If you are such a woman, this reluctance is likely because you have been told since you were a little girl that you should not be boastful, self-assertive, or prideful.
What did women learn for decades?
We can’t ignore that, for decades women have been taught to be silent, stay at home, remain uninformed, listen to their husbands, obey the rules, play nice, and take care of others at the expense of themselves. There is just no way this legacy wouldn’t make it difficult for a person—any person—to feel confident in their own sense of self-worth.
Women have a brain-based difference that predisposes them to weigh more variables, consider more options, see more context and visualize a wider array of solutions and outcomes to a problem when they or their organization are under pressure. Yet, many women underestimate their potential and abilities! We keep waiting for someone else to gift us our confidence when the truth is, we’ve had it all along! When we don’t know and love who we are, we harm ourselves.
This explains the reckless abandonment with which so many women enter into toxic relationships. It explains experimentation
with drugs and overdoing it with alcohol. It explains depression and anxiety, and silence in the face of abusive religion. It explains eating disorders and over-exercise or binge-eating and throwing up.
You do not need to learn more. You do not need to be more experienced. You do not need to wait for permission or to be tapped on the shoulder. And, most importantly, you do not need to wait until you feel more comfortable and confident in your abilities!
You do not need to learn more. You do not need to be more experienced. You do not need to wait for permission or to be tapped on the shoulder. And, most importantly, you do not need to wait until you feel more comfortable and confident in your abilities!

What should women do to live with healthy self-esteem?
Self-care is a great way to develop healthy self-esteem. Believing that you are worthy of love and respect can take time, but treating yourself well is the first step.
We women will never break through the glass ceiling or truly settle into our place at the leadership table in the numbers that will really make a difference while we allow ourselves to think we need everything to be perfect before we make the next move. It is time to break the long-held patterns of thinking and to create some new rules to live and work by. No more waiting, perfecting, and pondering!
Women are restoring peace in the world. They are starting businesses and raising brave girls and sensitive boys. They’re speaking up at tables full of men and women alike and standing up against cultural messages that say only a certain kind of personal matters.
They’re removing themselves from communities and relationships where they are not valued because they know they will never find their voice where they’re asked to stay silent. They’re deeply compassionate but also strongly convicted and unwilling to act in a way that goes against that conviction.
They’re removing themselves from communities and relationships where they are not valued because they know they will never find their voice where they’re asked to stay silent. They’re deeply compassionate but also strongly convicted and unwilling to act in a way that goes against that conviction.